Currently, the issue of safety has become an issue that families attach importance to. “Because the perpetrators of crimes are becoming more and more professional and technologically sophisticated, it is often reported in the news that they have been stolen from somewhere, and the stolen items are all equipped with anti-theft equipment, but thieves can still have a chance to attack.”. Nowadays, thieves know that the door is difficult to pry open, so they start from the window passage. Therefore, at any time, the doors and windows of your home may be stolen by thieves and poisons. Currently, many people have installed burglar alarms for household doors and windows in their homes. And now, home door and window burglar alarms are also relatively cheap, ranging from electronic alarms that cost a few yuan to infrared alarms that use infrared light.
Some household door and window burglar alarms are very simple. When installing them, just install the host computer on the window and the other part on the wall. Normally, the two are interlocked. When the window moves any way, the device will emit a harsh alarm sound, alerting residents that someone has intruded, and also warning that the intruder has been detected and driving away the intruder. If the owner wants to enter and exit, it can be freely controlled by the switch. Such alarms are also suitable for office and store counters.
Although many families now have anti-theft windows installed, it is inevitable that evil hands reach into their homes. In addition to the aging of windows, it is inevitable that accidents will occur. In order to prevent accidents, it is also necessary to install burglar alarms for household doors and windows.
Post time: Mar-31-2023